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Learn how to conquer them.

Allergies are super common, and they can leave you feeling like total garbage. They're the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S., affecting some 50 million of us every year, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology (ACAAI).

Although tons of people have allergies, they're not always easy to identify and treat. For example, allergy symptoms can be mistaken for a cold or skin condition. Or you might suspect allergies are causing your discomfort, but can't figure out what in the world you're allergic to.

This guide to understanding allergies can help you learn what's going on. Below, you’ll find details about various allergy symptoms, types of allergies, and treatment options. Read on to finally find allergy relief.

Amanda K Bailey

What are allergies?

Your immune system is responsible for keeping you healthy, and it does so by attacking potentially harmful viruses and bacteria, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Allergic reactions occur when your immune system mistakenly attacks a normally harmless substance, such as pollen or food. Think of it like a false alarm that leads to uncomfortable symptoms, e.g., runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. In some cases, allergic reactions can be life-threatening.

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How does the immune system work?

Your immune system acts a lot like a bodyguard—it tries to prevent things like the common cold virus from making you sick. Sometimes your bodyguard is a bit overzealous and fights benign substances. There are four types of allergic reactions, and the way your immune system reacts is a bit different for each. For the most common type of allergic reaction, which includes responses to things like food and pollen, your immune system produces antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE). IgE then tells your body to release chemicals called antihistamines, which in turn leads to allergic reaction symptoms, according to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI).

What are common allergy symptoms?

Allergy symptoms can range from pretty mild to life-threatening, depending on your particular sensitivity and the allergen itself. For instance, latex, insect venom, medications, and certain foods are more likely to cause life-threatening reactions than other allergens, the ACAAI says.

According to Mount Sinai, mild allergic reaction symptoms often include:

  • A skin rash, which means irritated or swollen skin that may be itchy, red, and painful
  • Hives, which are raised, itchy welts
  • A stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Red, itchy, and watery eyes

Moderate to severe reactions tend to be more uncomfortable and may cause:

  • Stomach pain
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Chest tightness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Swelling affecting your eyes, face, or tongue
  • Heart palpitations
  • Skin symptoms such as hives or a rash
  • Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that usually causes low blood pressure, trouble breathing, and loss of consciousness

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What are the most common allergies?

Allergy symptoms manifest in different ways, but usually affect your nose, lungs, throat, sinuses, ears, stomach lining, and skin. Below are the most common allergies and the symptoms associated with each.

Allergic rhinitis

This type of allergy is triggered after you inhale1 an allergen, such as animal dander, pollen, or mold. Allergic rhinitis symptoms include sneezing, nasal congestion, and watery eyes. Many people refer to allergic rhinitis as “seasonal allergies,” but people with allergic rhinitis can experience symptoms year-round. Some common allergens that can trigger allergic rhinitis include pollen, pet dander, and mold, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Skin allergies

Nearly everyone has developed a skin irritation at some point, but rashes can be a sign of allergies too. There are numerous types of skin allergies, including allergic contact dermatitis, which is caused by an immune system reaction after you have contact with an allergen, such as nickel2. There are more than 15,000 potential skin allergens, but some common ones include nickel, fragrances, and latex, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Atopic dermatitis (commonly called eczema) causes dry, itchy rashes and can be triggered by allergens.  

Food allergies

Food allergies can cause a range of symptoms, including hives, an itchy throat, vomiting, and abdominal pain, according to the ACAAI. Some food allergies cause anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening reaction that makes it hard to breathe, according to ACAAI. The most common food allergens include milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Eye allergies

Unsurprisingly, eye allergy symptoms include red, itchy, and watery eyes. Eye allergies are extremely common, affecting up to 40% of people3 in the U.S. Oftentimes, people with eye allergies also have allergic rhinitis and the two share similar triggers such as mold, animal dander, and pollen. 

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How are allergies diagnosed?

Your symptoms might tip you off to a possible allergy, but you will need to see a doctor, such as a primary care physician or allergist, for confirmation. There are numerous tests that your doctor may run to help identify your specific allergens.

Patch tests are useful if you have skin allergies. A doctor will put small amounts of possible allergens on your skin and cover them with patches. After 48 hours, your doctor will inspect your skin for reactions.

Skin prick tests offer immediate results for numerous types of allergens, including pollen, food, and pet dander4. A medical provider will place allergens on your skin, then prick the area with a needle so the substances enter your system. After about 15 minutes, a doctor or nurse will check your skin for a reaction.

Blood tests look for the antibodies produced during an allergic reaction. Generally, blood tests are recommended for people who have a skin condition like eczema that can make skin testing more challenging or individuals who have had a severe allergic reaction in the past.

Elimination diets are used to identify foods that may cause allergic reactions, according to the ACAAI. There are numerous ways to follow an elimination diet, so it’s best to talk to your doctor about how to do this safely. For example, if you suspect a dairy allergy, then you may avoid eating all dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt, for a particular amount of time while you track your symptoms. It’s important to work with your doctor or a registered dietitian before making drastic dietary changes to avoid developing nutrient deficiencies.

One other thing: At-home tests that claim to diagnose allergies are not very effective, according to the ACAAI. It’s best to see a doctor for thorough testing and an accurate diagnosis.

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What are common allergy treatments?

Allergy treatment can include a mix of lifestyle remedies, over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs, and immunotherapy, which decreases your sensitivity to allergens5.

Lifestyle habits

If you have mild allergies, you may want to try natural remedies, which usually entails avoiding allergens, before using medications. You can do this by:

Identifying your allergens. Keep track of your symptoms and exposure to possible allergens, such as food or beauty products, to look for patterns that you can discuss with a doctor. Or talk to your doctor about getting an allergy test if possible.

Tracking pollen counts. Your local weather forecast may include this information or you can use an app like My Pollen Forecast. This way, you can stay inside as much as possible on high-pollen days.

Wearing a surgical mask outside or when cleaning. According to the ACAAI, masks help block allergens like pollen or mold from entering your nose or mouth.

Showering ASAP after being outside. Allergens can hop a ride on your body, clothes, and hair. Get those lingering particles off by throwing your clothes in a hamper and bathing when you get home.

Purifying your air. Shut the windows and turn on the air conditioner to cool off if possible. Consider using an air purifier with a high-efficiency particulate (HEPA) filter, which can remove 99.7% of irritating particles, such as mold, dust, and pollen from the air, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Cleaning your home weekly. This can help prevent allergens from building up. Consider using a vacuum that has a HEPA filter to clean your floors. Dust mites are a common allergen, and you can help keep them away by washing your sheets weekly and protecting your pillows, mattress, and box spring with dust-proof covers.


Avoiding your allergens 100% of the time isn’t always possible. That’s when allergy medications can help, according to the Mayo Clinic. Allergy medications include:

Antihistamines can be found in over-the-counter (OTC) pills or eye drops, but prescription-strength antihistamines, in the form of nasal sprays and eye drops, are available if those don’t help. They work by preventing an allergic reaction from starting.

Decongestants are common OTC products, available as pills and nasal sprays, that can help clear up sinus congestion. Generally, decongestants are recommended for short-term use since they can cause rebound symptoms if you take them for too long. Again, prescription-strength versions are available to relieve severe symptoms.

Corticosteroids help suppress allergy-related inflammation. You can find them in OTC and prescription products, including eye drops, inhalers, nasal sprays, oral medications, and creams.

Mast cell stabilizers help prevent your immune system from reacting to allergens. They are available as OTC nasal sprays or prescription eye drops.

Immunotherapy can help when other treatments haven’t worked. With this method, you are gradually exposed to allergens via injections as a way to build up your tolerance. This option is available by prescription only.

Biologics are another prescription medication that can help people with some types of severe allergies like allergic asthma. They work by targeting the part of your immune system involved with triggering an allergic reaction. Biologics are given through infusions at a medical office or shots that you can do at home.

Epinephrine is a shot that quickly treats anaphylaxis via a self-injecting syringe and needle.

Allergies are fairly complex, and figuring out what’s behind your sneezing or scratching can be difficult without the right testing. With the help of a doctor you can identify the culprit and tackle those pesky allergens.

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  1. StatPearls, Allergic Rhinitis
  2. Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, Allergic Contact Dermatitis: Overview
  3. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, A Contemporary Look at Allergic Conjunctivitis
  4. Malaysia Family Physician, Prick, Patch, or Blood test? A Simple Guide to Allergy Testing
  5. Royal College of Physicians, An Update on Allergen Immunotherapy

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